Running Mom Photography LLC

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Embracing Your Body

“Say goodbye to your inner critic, and take this pledge to be kinder to yourself and others”- Oprah

Your body is YOUR BODY - love it, it is yours and no one else’s. It has been my mission that women have positive self talk about our bodies. Most especially for mom’s! Our body changes so much to bring our beautiful babies into the world. We really need to show it lots of love. But even if you are not a mom and have an aging body - love it… that body has gotten you through an amazing amount in your life.

One way I have started to improve my body image is to look at my body in the mirror and say “Thank you”! Sounds silly and simple but it has helped my outlook. What kind of positive self talk do you do? Share here for all of us!

This month I am featuring Amanda. A young mom and an amazing person! I was so happy when she volunteered as I believe we should learn to love our bodies when we are young so the positive self talk continues on through the years! Here are the questions and answers to her Body Positive Questionnaire: (See if you can relate).

Your Favorite Body Part: Legs

Your Least Favorite Body Part: Recessed Chin and profile

Example of a time you felt the most beautiful. Was it because of how you looked, felt, both? I felt the most beautiful when I was pregnant with my daughter because of how I looked and the fact I was carrying my daughter.

Would you rather feel or look beautiful? Why? My gut reaction was to say that I’d rather look beautiful. When I thought about it more, I know that everyone has their own things about their physical being that make them self conscious. It’s a stretch to think you could feel beautiful without looking beautiful, but that’s something I’d like to work towards. So I’ll end up saying that I’d rather feel beautiful.

What makes you feel strong? I feel strong when I care and provide for my daughter, support my husband mentally and emotionally, receive recognition at work for my efforts and fight through chronic back pain to not let it wear me down.

Who/what in your life has made you feel the best about yourself? Why? My friends have always lifted me up and told me that there is no one else like me, that I’m funny, and that I’m the person they would tell something embarrassing to because they know I would not judge them. I have never seen those traits myself until they pointed them out, and it’s something I still think about regularly. My daughter has made me feel beautiful because I know she loves me no matter what I look like. I also see myself physically in her and think she is the most beautiful person I have ever known.

How do you see yourself? How do you think other see you? On the outside, I see an average woman. I am semi in shape, have nice long legs, no butt and small breasts, an ugly recessed chin, ears that stick out, eyes too close together and nice wavy hair. On the inside I see a funny outgoing, caring, and awkward person that is deserved of being loved and admired. I think what I see on the inside is what others also can see. I am sure that most people don’t see what I consider to be flaws in myself since we’re always our harshest critic, except for maybe noting that my chin is recessed I think that would be hard to miss.

I am so grateful that Amanda let me photograph her. She killed her session and had the most confidence in her poses! Her daughter is so blessed to have an amazing Mom who will teach her how to love her own body!

These three women were so amazing together and I am closing with a picture of all three and the name of next month’s stunning lady - Shannon!