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Movies that go well with wine.....

If you are like me after having children you have much more gratitude for that glass of wine at the end of the day....well I decided to have some fun and describe the benefits of wine and great movies to watch and enjoy your wine with at the end of the day!

I have always heard wine is good for you but decided to do a little internet search and see what popped up first about the benefits of wine. Feel free to do research of your own for more details than what I have outlined below! Obviously drinking too much wine is most definitely not good for your health. But for healthy consumption here are the benefits:

Red Wine: Has Resveratrol, good for heart, lowers cholesterol, healthy for skin, controls blood sugar, boosts brain, and slimming affects (oh please let that be true!)  

White Wine: Antioxidants, disease prevention,  good nutritional content and lowers diabetes risk.  

Now that you know it is good for you, time to grab a glass and enjoy a movie! ( I love a glass while I am making and eating dinner too). 

1. Bottleshock: This is based on  the true story of how the California wines finally became internationally acclaimed. There is great wine info, funny moments, and a tiny bit of romance (not too much guys - my husband enjoyed this movie). Check out more info here: bottle_shock    

2. Somm - Into the Bottle: I really enjoyed this documentary, I reallized all that goes into making and appreciating wine and found the tidbit where a mushroom growing from a cork of a wine bottle is actually a good thing! Read more here:

3. Somm - About how to become a sommelier ( those people that can tell you everything about the wine- region, year (any natural disasters that year), etc. Apparantly there is a high fail rate for this test! Check out more here:

4. A very good year: I had never heard of this movie, but enjoyed it a tremendous amount, a surprising find! It is a fictional story staring Russell Crowe about a vineyard his uncle owned. There is stories about lots of different relationships woven in: lost siblings, family, romance. There is good comedy as well! Read more here:

5. French Kiss: Warning guys this is more of a romance movie. Enjoyable with wine simply because of the scenery and discussions of vineyards and wine during the romantic comedy. Stars Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline. One of my favorite movies to watch with my mom growing up! Read more here: French_Kiss_(1995_film)

 I plan on discovering more movies that go well with wine, but for now enjoy several evenings partaking in wine and watching fun movies! If you are lucky like me I have different boutique wines from around the world delivered every month! If you are intereseted check that out here:

As always, 


April of Running Mom Photography