" I wanted you more than you ever will know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go." - Nancy Tillman

I recently did a Mommy and Me session giveaway for Running Mom Photography.  To enter,  a 2 word description comment of Mom's were required.  These are the words that were used to describe Mom's: selfless, best friend, ray of sunshine, amazing, endless love, wonderful, kind hearted, brave, devoted, always there, strong, fighter, unconditional love, funny, the best, admirable hero, fierce, loving, loyal, rock, best friend, giving, hardworking, supporter, patient, and super woman, just to name a few. TAKE NOTE: nothing about appearance and everything about who these mom's are.

When I see a picture of my mom I do not think she looks......(fill in blank).......I think "thats my mom". Guess what? When you are in a picture, especially one with your kids, that is what they think. They do not care what your size is, how you look in pants, that you have on no make up, that your hair is in a pony tail (or just crazy hair) all they see is the woman they love and can describe in two amazing words (or more) what counts the most about her! Your kids see you better than you see yourself. Honestly I think they see the truest version of "Mom".

I started making it a point last year to get pictures of Mom's with thier kiddos in my family photo sessions. Because lets face it, mom's are usually the ones behind the camera. I have also made it a point to do special "Mommy and Me" mini sessions and giving one away every year  to get Mom's in front of the camera with thier kids! My favorite photos to catch of Mom's are the ones where they have the truest interactions with thier kiddos (i.e. the candids). Posed and looking at the camera is nice, but nothing beats a momma hugging, comforting or playing with their kids, because guess what?? That is what we do!

When my Mom's book a session with me I always encourage them to pamper themselves - i.e. buy a new outfit, get their hair done, buy new lipstick.....because lets face it once we are momma's we like to have a very good reason to spend time/money on ourselves! 

But MOM, even if you are not doing a professional photo shoot, please, please get yourself in the picture! Hand that phone to someone and have them take your picture with your kiddos. Find a girlfriend that you hang out with and agree to take pictures of each other while you are playing with your kids then text them to each other later!

MOM, GET in the picture!


For those interested in my Mommy and Me mini sessions, I still have a few openings left on March 25 or April 22! Contact me here:

April of Running Mom Photography (Getting in the picture myself!!)