Hit the Summer "Reset" Button!

Summer time is not only for kids to recoup. It is also the time I hear a lot of families say they are ready to slow down and reconnect. Which must be why June seems to be the most popular month for family vacations. Once the kids are out of school, families can not wait to get started!

But a  reset comes in so many forms, we use these precious 3 months (or more) to renew our goals, discover new things, and do what I call the "Summer Purge". Getting rid of old, ill fitting or out grown clothes for the family, removing old or broken toys, taking on home projects (like painting or cleaning out the garage- that is the catch all). 

Summer time is also the time to use memberships purchased through out the year and take advantage of  all the fun activites planned at those various locations. Some local favorites:

1. The Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens - household membership is $75. the-garden-membership

2. The Discovery Place - $200 for family- for all 4 local spots. https://www.discoveryplace.org/membership

3.Carowinds- $99-200+ per person:  https://www.carowinds.com/tickets-passes/season-passes

4. The Columbia Zoo- $99 - 189 for family: https://society.riverbanks.org/membership

5. Anne Springs Greenway (has concerts every Thursday in the Summer with food trucks) Family Membership - $99, http://www.ascgreenway.org/join/membership

6. Keep up with local happenings and actvities through - https://momaboutcharlotte.blogspot.com   - always great info on local places for adults and kids. As well as http://hulafrog.com/rock-hill-sc - great info on kids activities in/ around Rock Hill, SC. 

Summer is also the time kids reconnect with thier siblings, parents enjoy late evenings watching the sun go down and hearing the crickets chirp, watching kids run in the sprinkler, boating (the smell of the water in the morning!), and in general sitting back and enjoying what we wait all year for. 

My wish for you all this Summer  is lots of blessings, fun , and "resets". 

April of Running Mom Photography

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