Woman Speak......

As I observed my daughter and the women around me I realized that we also have "tendencies" behind our words. This is the promised follow up to my man speak post, and again meant to be light hearted and funny! Enjoy reading!

1. "Yes we are sure..." That is until we change our mind, yup this in a woman's perogative! To be fair we usually have good reasons to change our mind!

2. "How do I look?" Yes I know, I know this is a loaded question, but we took time to get ready so you better comment on it, and for your own safety it better be a compliment.

3. "I need time to myself..." If you hear a Mom say this, she is pretty desperate, make it happen!

4. " Can you clean......"  whatever this phrase is followed up by, what we want cleaned takes longer than 30 seconds or we would do it ourselves.

5. "I need to get ready...." be prepared to wait and then refer to #2 above!

6. "Can you help....."  HELP, not take over.

7. " Do you like......" you better pay attention this can be a very loaded question in so many ways.

8. .....Pausing before we answer...... we are trying to come up with a nice way to say what we mean.

9. " Let me think about it" .....aka I am not convinced.

10. " You don't have to get me anything". This is a true statement however it does not relieve you of showing your thoughtfullness in some way.......

There are so many more, and while not all are true for every woman, a lot of them are! Note to the wise: Always let someone (Man or Woman) finish their sentence or you may miss the important ending!


April of Running Mom Photography

By April CannonComment