Why Moms DONT Judge!
Me trying to convince my daughter to wait a little longer for our annual family photo shoot - I had just chased her down, you see what a mess my hair is in! It is hard to do a photo shoot and be in it, especially with little ones!
As I was reading yet another parenting blog about how some Mom said "THIS" and made someone feel like "THAT" and they should......... Well you get the picture. I decided to take a different approach.
I was inspired by my fellow Mom's who do totally get "IT" and I wanted to put out a positive blog out there about mom' s and why we don't judge each other (yes I know, I know, there are some that do - but this is not a blog about that!). As my readers know I like to organize my thoughts in lists so here is your list of why Mom's do not judge each other!
1. ALL kids are strong willed about something. We all know that just because our kid is not throwing a fit about one particular thing, they will find something else to test us on.... so we sympathize when your kid appears not to be budging.
2. Us Mom's know as we are watching another Mom deal with thier unruly kid, that our time is coming, maybe not now, but oh honey we know it is right around the corner and we totally sympathize.
3. We all know that Kids and parents have bad days, and just because this is not a good one, it does not mean all days look like this.
4. Persistence is NOT always the key with children. Doing the same thing the same way does not give different results, it is just insanity. Some things just do not work and us mom's know that sometimes it takes time to find the right combination with a particular child in a particular situation ( and note while we are trying to figure it out, we are usually removing said child from said situation).
5. Kids develop at different rates, We know better than to compare our childs development with another child. Some are ahead in some areas, while others are behind, it all evens out. What matters is where we finish, not where we start.
6. All Kids are different. What works on one of my kids does not always work on the other. So by extension I know that what works with my kids does not necessarily work with someone else's kids.
7. We have all struggled and we all have felt like terrible Mom's at one point, which in truth makes us excellent Mom's because we are always trying to improve!
8. We have all felt the other Mom's frustration at trying to enjoy an outing but instead we are dealing with an inconsolable child.
9. We all know that there is usually more to the story than what we are looking at ( ie child is teething, sick, ADD, ADHD, Autistic, or just plain having a bad day, etc).
10. We have all been there and done that. We have all had uruly kids, bad days, days where we think to ourselves: "Whose kid is this? Where did my child go?"
11. We are all Mom's. Period.
To all the Momma's out there getting it done - you are doing a great job!
April of Running Mom Photography