What's Your Story??


Whats your family’s story? A family’s story is what is unique about them, how a family comes together, how they interact. What does love look like to you? Love to me is interacting with each other. Love is those small actions that are unique to you and your family. What do you want to remember? What do you want your family to remember?

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I am a photographer who wants to tell a story. I want it to be true- I want it to mean something to my client. I grew up with just my immediate family. No extended family except once a year (and man we could not wait). So for me photos of my family near and far meant a lot. I loved organizing them into albums. For me a family that is looking and smiling at the camera is not telling a story, it is just a pretty picture where you can see everyones faces. However that means they are not looking at each other. They are not interacting and bringing to the photo the personality that makes that family so special and so THEM. People are the most honest with their emotions when they are not looking into the camera (which always makes them self conscious). Their story in that moment of time is not being told if everyone is staring a camera with a smile plastered on their face. Is it nice to see everyone smiling and on the wall or Christmas card - yes, I even have a couple on my walls (surrounded by a lot of candids), but they are not my favorite photos. My favorite photos are the ones that bring me into the story when I look at them. Ones that make me smile, laugh or nostalgic. Yes my photos tend to be happier - that is what I love. When I have another photographer take my family’s photos - my instruction to them - “I do not care if I do not have a single photo of all of us looking at the camera”.


Will I make you look good? Yes, I have learned the art of posing to make my candids look better (yup you read that right). Learning to be better at one thing only helps in others. I want to capture my families in the most beautiful and authentic ways - using all the tools at my disposal. So let me walk you through some stories I love…..


The story above unfolded because there were 2 year old twins in a family of 7. I just kept shooting. The little guys wanted nothing to do with me or any type of family photos together. They just wanted to play. You know what? Letting kids be kids makes for the most honest photos. I love to give kids space after getting in those family shots. Big sis here was trying to get little brother to come and play. I love how this family is so busy yet so together.


These two above always have fun exploring together and what big sis does, little sis follows suit with a giggle and a smile. I have photographed these two before. The more time I spend with a family the better I get to know them, the better their story is every time. I also send out fun questionnaires to get a feel for a family’s personality.


Dad here was able to make the last half of our session after getting home from work. His complaint was that he never got to see his daughter’s eyes because she was always asleep by the time he got home. He is actually trying to wake her up here. Yes Mom and I wanted to kill him for wanting to wake a sleeping baby!


So big brother here was concerned that little sister was fussy and was trying to shush her sweetly to calm her and she reached for his face. It does not get any sweeter.


These two are so goofy with their dad and were licking his face, cracked dad up! And I love seeing dad’s genuine smile!

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Granddad is a prankster, he had been recently diagnosed with a serious illness. He and his family know what is important - the love and laughter they have for each other when they are together.


For me this is always the ultimate family together shot. Walking hand in hand talking - does it get any better??


Self portrait of me with my family above, I love the look on my kids faces and the interaction here makes me so happy. My son looking at his father is just the sweetest.

Blessings always,

April of Running Mom Photography