Body Image Positivity

Define your own beauty…

My yearly project to bring body positivity to women

After attending a photographer’s retreat in Utah in September of 2022 and listening to the amazing Teri Hofford give us a incredible presentation about Body Positivity, I got fired up to bring this to the wonderful women in my life. Teri Hofford not only preaches Body Positivity she lives it! Check her out on instagram @terihofford. The most impactful part of the presentation to me was when she asked “why to women hate the area under their chin?” Well the answers went from -” it makes women look old”, “its unattractive”, “it means someone is out of shape”…..Her reply to each answer was “Why?”. No one had an answer. She then said in our brain we head down this tract of “it means I am old”, “I can’t get a mate,”, “ I will be alone”, “ No one will love me”, ……and finally very dramatically “ I am going to die!” We all laughed and realized how silly we were.

Next Teri had us take selfies of ourselves from the most unflattering angles we could think of. She then talked about the fact that the people who love us see us at all those angles and never think “oh she looks so bad…I only want to view her from this angle….”. Our partners, pets, everyone sees us from the side, below, every angle and they love and accept it as us. For them all those angles are normal and part of the total picture of how we look. We need to give ourselves some grace. Teri suggested to take time everyday to take a selfie of ourselves from every angle to get ourselves used to how we look from all angles and see and love ourselves as everyone around us does.

Thus my body positivity project. This project is about women being comfortable in their own skin. It is not about being “sexy” or worrying about how we look to other people. It is all about being comfortable as we are NOW not how we used to look or how we want to look, but accepting how we are now. I put out a call for volunteers and got about 7 initially but due to rescheduling and sickness had about 3 who were able to come on a hot, humid evening in August. I had already sent the ladies a questionnaire about their own body images. I had them all meet about an hour a head of time to get comfortable and familiar with each other and to cheer each other on during the shoot. And to talk over with themselves their own body images and how to positively reflect on their interpretation of their own body image. They did amazing! I will feature one stunning woman every month and end with my own photoshoot (which I am waiting for it to warm up to do). My goal next year is to jump in the photos with my ladies!

I am going to start with the first amazing woman who was the first to jump in - Jen. I will directly quote her answers to the questions. As you read - think on how you would answer. I will say I was always surprised by everyone’s least favorite body part.

Favorite Body Part: My eyes, and legs (when not eaten alive by mosquitos).

Least Favorite Body Part: My stomach - (loved it when I was pregnant), my double chin

Example of a time you felt the most beautiful. Was it because of how you looked, felt, both? When my husband and I first started dating. I was skinny, tan, did my hair and makeup, and felt excited and beautiful.

Would you rather feel or look beautiful? Why? Probably feel. I know my loved ones all think I’m beautiful no matter what, but I want to feel that way too.

What makes you strong? Peloton for sure. Carrying my Son in pregnancy and still able to keep up with life!

Who/what in your life has made you feel the best about yourself? Why? My husband has been my rock and support system. He’s always believed in me and never judged me in 10 years I’ve grown so much personally and professionally.

How do you see yourself? How do you think others see you? I see myself as a strong woman who has gone through hell and back. I don’t know that other people see that, but I hope they do!

It was so wonderful working with Jen! She is already helping me work on my ideas for Summer this year.(This will be an annual thing that I hope grows every year!) Also she rocks a hat and boots!!!

I am including a picture of all three of my ladies together - which I will do at the end of each blog! Next month we meet Amanda!

April Cannon1 Comment